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How Many of Us Really Follow Our Dreams?

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition..."

- Steve Jobs

We often talk about what makes someone successful. We say; Follow your dreams, live the life you desire and it goes on. But how many of us really do this, follow our dreams. We think we don't have permission.

For the last few years we have watched the Apple corporation rise up from the ashes and launch one sexy piece of technology after another. An apple user from way back, I have many of them. In fact right now, we own 5 Apple computers, two IPHones and a few IPods. And they are all great. I remember when I began using my first Apple/Mac Plus, there were so many naysayers.

What makes one person be so focused and driven? Many people say that he was ruthless. I recently read an article in the NY Times that said, Steve Jobs relied mostly on his own instinct to create products. He did not have focus groups, he just knew what people wanted, sleek, easy to use, interesting pieces of technology. And even during his illness, which much have been debilitating, he still forged ahead.

So why can't the rest of us do the same? Why do we stop and wait for something to happen before we begin following our dream. Is it that we listen to too many people?

In my workshops and breakfasts I often reference the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. One of the four agreements is: Take nothing personally because it is never about you. That Noise of Others, those limiting beliefs stop us all too often.

Take a step and identify the noise, then label it and give it a name. Assign it to the person it be longs to and then toss it away. Be the person you are and don't let anyone rain on your parade.

Life is certainly not perfect. And for many, their birthright gives them much more flexibility than others. As we look around us we see people who are barely hanging on, or living with major impairments, disfigurements and disabilities. I am so lucky to live a very good life.

I can only hope that we reflect on our lives, and the lives of those who make a difference in the world and understand this. Not everyone can be a Steve Jobs. Not everyone can create things that change the way people live. But everyone can be kind to themselves and others, and can make an attempt every day to do something that matters.

This was my facebook post from the other day. Enjoy.

Make everyday meaningful. Do something important that takes you closer to your dreams. Have fun. Love yourself. Tell those you care about that you love them - you never know when they may disappear from your life. Be thankful for everything - you probably have more than you think. Think about this - what would life be like if tomorrow you received everything you were thankful for today. Make it a great one.

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